Abstracts are closed for the 2023 Australian Banana Industry Congress. Information for the 2025 Congress is being prepared.
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Save the date for the 4th Scientific symposium at 2025 Banana Congress
You are invited to the Banana Scientific Symposium at Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast, 6 August 2025!
After the success of previous events, the 4th Banana Scientific Symposium will be delivered in conjunction with the 2025 Banana Congress (6-8 August). The event is a great opportunity for the banana research community to share their latest scientific updates, exchange ideas, improve connections and initiate new collaborations.
The Scientific Symposium will afford research, development and extension (RD&E) providers attending the 2025 Banana Congress an opportunity to present a more detailed account of their latest research to their peers and interested participants, in addition to the opportunity to present posters within the Congress Program.
The Australian banana industry is well supported by banana researchers from various government agencies, universities, and other service providers across Australia. The Symposium provides a great opportunity to foster communication and collaboration between researchers so that we continue to deliver high quality scientific research that adds value and benefits our Australian banana growers.
The previous Scientific Symposium was very popular with around 120 participants which included over 60 researchers from a wide range RD&E service providers across Australia, and we hope to see the same attendance this year. Other well represented attendees included growers, agronomists, resellers, and members of the supply chain.
Participants rated the previous Scientific Symposia very highly, indicating they gained new contacts, and improved their knowledge of banana R&D activities.
The format of this full-day session will be as series of 10 minute oral presentations grouped into four main themes. Presenters will be given the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session at the conclusion of each theme.
Catering for the day will be included in your registration fee for the Science Symposium.
Attendees are invited now to submit a 150 word abstract to present your work to fellow banana researchers. Your abstract should describe:
- the impact or objective of your specific research area for the banana industry
- how your research is achieving this.
Please submit your abstract for the Scientific Symposium Congress through the Congress Portal.
Important dates
Please diarise the following important program dates
Submissions open: Monday 27 January 2025
Submissions close: Sunday 27 April 2025
Abstract notifications: Monday 2 June 2025
Poster Session at the 2025 Banana Congress
Researchers are also invited to submit an abstract for the R&D poster session during the main Congress Program. As in previous years, the poster session provides an opportunity to describe your research to the greater industry and meet with growers. Abstracts for the poster session should also include:
- the topic/subject of your talk,
- presentation type;
- the impact or objective of your specific research area for the banana industry
- how your research is achieving this.
All poster presenters will also give a 1 minute, 1 slide oral poster pitch to ’advertise’ the importance of their posters to the Congress audience. This will be fast-paced and dynamic part of the Congress program and will occur immediately prior to the poster session.
Please submit your abstract for Poster session at the Banana Congress today!
Abstract submission guidelines
- Abstracts should be original work
- Abstract text must not exceed 200 words
- An abstract must be submitted by the presenting Author
- Abstracts must be checked for spelling and grammar
- Abstracts must spell out abbreviations on first use
- Abstractions are to be text only. Do not include figures, graphs, diagrams or images
- Do not include the presentation title, author names or affiliations int he word document as these details will be captured during the submission process
NB If you wish to submit more than one abstract, a separate submission form must be completed for each abstract.
Enquiries And Correspondence
Please contact Rosie Godwin: rosie@abgc.org.au or visit the official congress website: bananacongress.org.au