6-8 August 2025 | RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast

Sponsorship Offerings

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Science Symposium Sponsor
Sponsor the Science Symposium, a full day event held pre-congress showcasing high quality scientific research that benefits and adds value to our Australian banana growers.

  • Opportunity for a 2-minute welcoming speech at the beginning of the Symposium.
  • Sponsor branding incorporated into the Science Symposium branding.
  • Recognition throughout the event as The Science Symposium Sponsor.
  • 3x complimentary registrations to attend the Science Symposium
Grower Breakfast
Exclusive (Thursday only)
Host a 45-minute grower’s breakfast on day 1, the sole opportunity for an industry presentation to growers during the Congress.

  • Format: 20-minute presentation followed by 25 minutes of networking. Venue hire, basic AV, and grower registration managed by Congress organisers.
  • Growers Breakfast included in the official program.
  • Catering for 60 pax provided, any additional catering requests at sponsor’s own expense.
  • One (1) email invitation to all growers.
  • One (1) app notification onsite, reminding growers to attend.
Tour Stop Host
Seize the chance to host a stop on the Congress tour, held on Wednesday 6 (day 0). Delegates will visit several stops on the Congress tour, offering you the perfect chance to spotlight how your solution is being implemented at a local farm or facility.

  • Tour will form part of main Congress program.
  • Stop location subject to Congress Program Committee approval.
  • Your stop will be one of various tour locations in the local area.
  • Transportation fees covered by Congress hosts; any additional expenses incurred for your stop or hosting at sponsor’s expense.
Back a Grower
Multiple Opportunities
Help maximise grower attendance through the “Back a Grower” program, encouraging first-time attendees.

  • Full Congress registration provided to a first-time grower attendee.
  • Sponsor recognised as supporter of the “Back a Grower” Program.
  • One (1) introduction email to recipient of complimentary registration, facilitating on-site meetings.
Tradeshow Evening
Sponsor the Tradeshow Evening, a cherished event held on Day 1, offering networking opportunities in a relaxed setting within the exhibition.

  • Opportunity for a 2-minute welcoming speech during the Tradeshow Evening.
  • Sponsor branding incorporated into the trade night signage.
  • Recognition throughout the event as The Tradeshow Evening Sponsor.
  • Option to extend Tradeshow Evening with additional drink package at sponsor’s expense.
Speaker Sponsorship
Multiple Opportunities
Support grower education by sponsoring a speaker in the program.

  • Recognised throughout the event (pocket program, website) as the sponsor of that speaker.
  • MC to mention that you are the sponsor of that speaker when introducing them to the stage.
  • Sponsor able to choose speaker they would like to support once full program has been released (subject to speaker and Congress program committee approval).
Congress Award
Multiple Opportunities
Show your support by sponsoring a Congress 2025 award, presented during the Banana Ball.

  • Recognised throughout the event as the sponsor of your chosen award.
  • MC to mention that you are the sponsor of that award when announcing the award winner.
  • Available awards to be announced.
Banana Bar
Associate your brand with the iconic Banana Bar, a prime networking spot at the Congress hotel.

  • Opportunity to brand the Banana Bar at sponsor own expense.
  • Recognition throughout the event as the Banana Bar Sponsor.
  • 100 Drink vouchers which can be provided to delegates from your exhibition stand or at the bar.
  • Opportunity to have a branded cocktail on the menu. Any additional costs of this item at sponsor own expense.
Welcome Reception
Be part of the official opening of the Congress by sponsoring the Welcome Reception. This event is open to all registered delegates and is held at the RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast.

  • Opportunity to do a 5-minute welcoming speech during the Welcome Reception.
  • Sponsor branding incorporated into the Welcome Reception signage.
  • Recognition throughout the event as the Welcome Reception Sponsor
  • Option to provide a branded drink stubby or gift for delegates. Cost of the gift at sponsor’s own expense.
Barista Zone
Two Available
Power up Congress with a dedicated barista station that serves “the good stuff”. Fuel attendees’ energy while creating a vibrant hub for engagement and brand exposure.

  • Sponsor branding incorporated into the Barista Zone signage. Option to provide branded barista aprons or hats, coffee cups and napkins at sponsor’s own expense.
  • Sponsor to be recognised as a Barista Zone sponsor throughout the event.
  • Barista Zone to be placed in the main entrance foyer space outside the exhibition.
Catering Station
Position your brand at dedicated catering stations, offering prime exposure throughout the exhibition. This is a unique chance for brand positioning throughout the event during break times.

  • Sponsor logo will be incorporated into physical signage at entry to one of the three lunch buffets.
  • Sponsor logo against all mentions of selected lunch.
Motor Racing Game
Place a branded “moto GP style” motorcycle racing game near your booth to drive traffic to your exhibition and connect your brand with a fun unique delegate experience.

  • Sponsor branding incorporated via signage.
  • Sponsor to be recognised as the Moto GP Game Zone sponsor through the event.
  • Moto GP Game Zone to be placed, subject to space availability, near or within the sponsor’s exhibition booth.
  • Activation is subject to supplier availability
Fishing Arcade Game
Place a branded Fishing Arcade Game near your booth to drive traffic to your exhibition and connect your brand with a fun unique delegate experience.

  • Sponsor branding incorporated by signage.
  • Sponsor to be recognised as the Fishing Arcade Game sponsor through the event.
  • Fishing Arcade Game to be placed, subject to space availability, near the sponsor’s exhibition booth.
  • Activation is subject to supplier availability
Powerstrike (boxing)
Place a branded Power strike Boxing game near your booth to drive traffic to your exhibition and connect your brand with a fun unique delegate experience.

  • Boxing machine game to be placed, subject to space availability, near the sponsor’s exhibition booth.
  • Activation is subject to supplier availability.
Ice Cream Cart
Place a branded ice-cream cart near your booth to drive traffic to your exhibition and connect your brand with a positive delegate experience.

  • Sponsor branding incorporated into ice cream cart signage. Sponsor can also provide branded aprons and napkins at sponsor’s own expense.
  • Sponsor recognised as the ice cream cart sponsor throughout the event.
  • Ice Cream Cart to be placed, subject to space availability, near the sponsor’s exhibition booth.
  • Ice Cream Cart will only be available for one afternoon of the event
Congress App
Get your brand featured prominently on the Congress app, ensuring maximum exposure to every delegate. The Congress app serves as the primary information hub for all attendees, boasting an impressive 83% download rate at Congress 2023.

  • Sponsors branding incorporated into the launch screen of the event app.
  • Sponsor able to provide one (1) banner advert which will be continuously played throughout the app.
  • Personalised logo button on the menu screen, directing delegates to sponsor-provided content.
  • Two (2) app notifications to be sent out during the Congress to all delegates. Text to be provided by the sponsor.
  • Opportunity to provide one (1) PDF flyer within the app.
  • Opportunity to provide a flyer for inclusion in the delegate satchels, outlining details on how to download the app as well as any additional sponsor information. Printing costs will be at sponsor’s own expense.
  • Recognition throughout the event as the Congress App Sponsor.
Exhibition Entrance Feature
Make a memorable impact with a prime branding opportunity at the exhibition entrance. Seamlessly link brand positioning to existing promotions or campaigns through a QR code.

  • Partner logo incorporated into exhibition entrance feature design.
Charging Station
Keep delegates powered up and connected while associating your brand with the only Charging Station at Congress.

  • Sponsor branding incorporated into the Charging Station signage. Additional branding items such as tables and furniture, are available at sponsor’s own expense and subject to space availability.
  • Sponsor recognised as the Charging Station sponsor through the event.
Novelty Photo Wall
Engage delegates in a fun and memorable experience with a branded “banana-themed” photo wall.

  • Sponsor branding to be incorporated into the photo wall. First draft provided by Congress design team, with opportunity for the sponsor to provide design input.
  • Additional branded props may be provided for the photo wall at sponsor’s own expense.
  • Sponsor to be recognised as the Photo Wall sponsor through the event.
  • Sponsor able to provide a hashtag which will be incorporated into the wall to encourage delegates to upload their pictures to social media.
Bucket Hat
Elevate your brand by exclusively sponsoring the must-have accessory for every Gold Coast excursion. Your logo will prominently feature on the front of each bucket hat provided to delegates within their event bags.

  • Company logo incorporated into front of hat design alongside Congress logo.
  • Hat to be provided to all delegates inside the delegate bag.
Opportunity to be the event’s Wi-Fi sponsor and use this as a way to connect with delegates digitally with multiple touchpoints.

  • Incorporation of sponsor branding and welcome message into the Wi-Fi login page.
  • Sponsor able to select Wi-Fi password, subject to committee approval.
  • Sponsor able to provide pre-event email content announcing Wi-Fi information.
  • Opportunity to include a sponsor flyer in event app and satchels detailing login details. Printing to be provided at the expense of the sponsor.
Show your support by sponsoring a video focused on celebrating growers. This video will be played to all delegates on day 2 of the event.

  • Recognition as a sponsor of the video in the emcee’s introduction of the video and via the credits.
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on online platforms featuring the video.
Congress Bag
Associate your brand with a key piece of Congress merchandise by sponsoring the Congress bag provided to all delegates.

  • Inclusion of logo alongside Congress 2025 on the satchel.
  • Opportunity to provide two (2) satchel inserts. Printing to be provided at the expense of the sponsor.
  • Recognition throughout the event as the Congress Bag Sponsor.
Pocket Program
Link your brand with grower education by sponsoring the Congress pocket program provided to all delegates.

  • Sponsor logo to be included on the front cover of the official pocket program.
  • One full page advertisement provided by the sponsor to be included in the pocket program.
  • Recognition throughout the event as the sponsor of the pocket program.
Name Badge and Lanyard
Sponsoring the Congress lanyard and name badge is a great way to increase your logo recognition throughout the event. Delegates are required to wear their lanyard and name badge for the full event including social events.

  • Sponsor logo to be placed on the name badge and lanyard.
  • Sponsor to be recognised as the Name Badge and Lanyard Sponsor throughout the event.
  • Lanyard size and placement of logo will be at the discretion of the Congress organisers.
Water Bottle
Associate your brand with a key piece of Congress merchandise by sponsoring the Congress water bottle provided to all delegates.

  • Sponsors logo to be included on the water bottle alongside the Congress 2025 logo.
  • Recognition throughout the event as the water bottle sponsor.
Keep Cup
Connect your brand with a high-quality piece of merchandise provided to all delegates via sponsoring the Congress keep cup. The keep cup is provided to all delegates when they register for the event.

  • Sponsors logo to be included on the keep cup alongside the ABIC 2025 logo.
Hand Sanitiser Stations
Congress 2025 is all about meeting new people and shaking hands. Everyone will appreciate access to antibacterial hand sanitiser throughout the venue.

  • Sponsorship includes three stations placed in high-traffic areas.
  • Sponsor recognition signage will be incorporated into station design. Three stations included in this sponsorship.
Plenary room LED Panels
Opportunity to be featured on the digital screen panels within the plenary and exhibition hall. Brand positioning in the feature can link to an existing promotion/campaign through QR code

  • Opportunity to provide promotional imagery/logos.
  • Final design created by conference organisers in collaboration with sponsor and subject to sponsor approval.
Social Media Posts
Opportunity to provide content for one (1) social media post pre-event sent from the Australia Banana Growers Council social media accounts.

  • Content to be approved by ABIC organising committee and must be relevant to Congress.
Email Content (E-bulletin banner)
Opportunity to provide one (1) linked content banner included in the Congress E-bulletin sent out to event mailing list.

  • Content to be approved by Congress organising committee and must be relevant to Congress.
  • Up to three banner opportunities included on each E-bulletin.
Digital PDF in App
Opportunity to provide one (1) PDF flyer included in the event app for delegates to view and download.
End of Registration Pop Up
When delegates finish registering for the event, they will see a pop up which you can provide the text and link for. We recommend this is linked to a landing page which signs delegates up for a demo or survey around the Congress.
App Notifications
(Supporting Partner or above)
Opportunity to provide text for one app notification sent out to all delegates during the event.
Half-page Advertisement in Congress Pocket Program
Opportunity to provide a half-page advertisement to be included in Congress Pocket Program.
Full-page Advertisement in Congress Pocket Program
Opportunity to provide a full-page advertisement to be included in Congress Pocket Program.
Satchel Insert
Opportunity to include a promotional insert in the delegate satchel.